Program 2019

The 13th Dahlia Greidinger International Symposium:
Sustainable Primary Food Production Emphasizing Soil-Water and Environmental Conservation

Monday, March 4th

Monday, 04/03
Opening session: Introduction and greetings
Symposium Chair
Alex Furman
Executive Vice President for Research, TechnionWayne Kaplan
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion
Greidinger Family Representative
Eran Friedler

Soil Health: Linking Comprehensive Soil Assessment with Agronomic Management DecisionsHarold Mathijs Van Es

Understanding and mitigating environmental footprints of food production systems in tropical and subtropical regionsKlaus Butterbach-Bahl
Coffee break
Session I: Precision agriculture, advanced monitoring and modeling (part 1)
Chaired by Nurit Agam
10:40-11:10Approaches for large scale application of variable rate water managementVictor Alchanatis
11:10-11:30Integration of earth observation technologies into an advisory system for the collective management of cropsMaría P. González-Dugo
Precision Irrigation – Research & Development directionsOfer Beeri
Advanced Soil Sampling Strategy for Precision Agriculture Iggy Litaor
12:10-12:30 The potential of the spectral ‘water balance index’ (WABI) for crop irrigation scheduling Uri Hochberg
12:30-13:20Lunch break (GWRI building)
Session II: Precision agriculture, advanced monitoring and modeling (part 2)
Chaired by Victor Alchanatis
Geophysical characterization and monitoring to support agricultureJohan A. (Sander) Huisman
13:50-14:10Below canopy radiation divergence in a vineyard – implications on inter-row surface energy balance Nurit Agam
14:10-14:30Biogeochemical modeling for sustainability performance standards: Adapt-N and N balance in US corn production Shai Sela
14:30-14:50Using simple RGB Camera to estimate Nitrogen Uptake, Nitrogen Nutrition Index (NNI) and critical Nitrogen: spring wheat case studyJiftah Ben-Asher
14:50-15:10Biological and Optical Challenges to Remote Sensing: Implications and Opportunities for Plant Stress Detection Anatoly Gitelson

Coffee break
Session III: Soil healthChaired by Guy Levy
15:30-15:50Development of multi-factorial soil health index for the Mediterranean agricultural systemsGil Eshel
15:50-16:10Biochar on Extracellular enzymes, Microbes and Organic Matter Dynamics in Sediments Ji-Dong Gu
16:10-16:30Soil free-living nematodes community as Bioindicators of Soil HealthYosef Steinberger
16:30-16:50Coffee break
Panel discussion: Challenges in sensing, monitoring and precision agriculture
16:50-17:20Panel members:Victor Alchanatis (conveyor) Nurit Agam, María González-Dugo and Sander Huisman
Tuesday, March 5th
Tuesday, 05/03
Session IV: Environmental and economical sustainabilityChaired by Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
8:30-9:00Can farming be precise and sustainable? And how can we be sure?Veerle Van linden
9:00-9:20Agriculture and Pollutants in the Hula ValleyMoshe Gophen
9:20-9:40Best Management Strategies for Sustainable Rice Production with Minimum Water Requirement Kalita Prasanta
9:40-10:00Carbon debt of field-scale Conservation Reserve Program grasslands converted to annual and perennial bioenergy cropsIlya Gelfand
10:00-10:20Economy-Wide Long-Run Water Management under Salinity: Lessons from the Case of IsraelIddo Kan
10:20-10:40Coffee break
Session V: Advanced Technology and Climatic monitoring for Environmental sustainability
Chaired by Gil Eshel
10:40-11:00Hydrothermal treatment of agricultural and food waste: a circular economy approach to improve energy recovery, nutrients and bioactive compounds Roy Posmanik
11:00-11:20 A general framework for optimal crop selection and water allocation using dynamic crop models Raphael Linker
11:20-11:40Gallic Acid Interactions with Iron Coated Smectites
Adi Radian
11:40-12:00Nature-sourced desalinization using halophyte-zeolite wetlands
Ezra Orlofsky
12:00-12:20Microclimate, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of pepper in high-tunnel greenhouses and screenhouses in semi-arid regions
Josef Tanny
12:20-12:40Exploiting dynamic changes in internal screenhouse climate to inform irrigation in bananas Shabtai Cohen
12:40-13:30Lunch break (GWRI building)
Session VI: Soil and plant biologyChaired by Asher Bar-Tal
13:30-14:00The rhizosphere microbiome - Key for plant Health and Growth
Kornelia Smalla
14:00-14:20Agricultural practices from the microbiome's point of view
Dror Minz
Screening for biostimulants effect on yield and drought tolerance using an innovative high-throughput physiological functional-phenotyping systemMenachem Moshelion
14:50-15:10Spatial dynamics of carbohydrate content in trees in tree across diurnal and seasonal time scalesAude Tixier
15:10-15:30Modeling spring phenology of deciduous trees by temperature mediated kinetics of carbohydrate metabolism
Or Sperling
15:30-15:40Coffee break
Panel discussion: Agricultural sustainability and soil health
15:40-16:20Panel members:Klaus Butterbach-Bahl (conveyor), Gil Eshel, Veerle Van linden and Harold Van Es
16:20-17:50Poster session (including finger food, soft and alcoholic beverages)
17:50-18:00Poster awards
Wednesday, March 6th
Wednesday, 06/03
Session VII:
Plant nutrition and related soil processes
Chaired by Patricia Imas
8:30-9:00Maximizing the Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Long Term High Yielding Soilless Grown TomatoWim Voogt
9:00-9:20Fluorescence spectroscopy: a sensitive tool for detecting changes in composition of water-extractable soil organic matter and predicting nitrogen mineralization ratesOshri Rinot
9:20-9:40Nutritional and chemical implications of long-term irrigation with recycled wastewater in olive (Olea europaea L.) orchardRan Erel
9:40-10:00Studying the Effect of Plant Nutrition and Variety on the Nutritional Value of teff grown in IsraelZipora Tietel
10:00-10:20High fertilization decreases blueberry yields and fruit quality in China Qilong Zeng
10:20-10:40Coffee break
Session IIX: Plant nutrition and related soil processes (part 2)
Chaired by Avi Shaviv
10:40-11:10The influence of chloride on plants response to nitrogen levelAsher Bar-Tal
11:10-11:30Are micronutrient deficiencies the sole obstacle to blueberry growth in neutral-alkaline pH soils?Guy Tamir
11:30-11:50Polyhalite - a new multi nutrient fertilizer with sulphur, potassium, magnesium Patricia Imas
11:50-12:10Concentration dependence – a new understanding regarding the validity of redox measurements in the soil environmentDavid Yalin
12:10-12:30Modeling nitrogen transport, uptake and transformation in the root zone with HYDRUS (2D/3D)Thomas Groenveld
12:30-13:30Lunch break (GWRI building)
Session IX: Irrigation and Irrigation TechnologyChaired by Ami Gips
13:30-14:00Drip fertigation for staple food crops: can we do it?Naftali Lazarovitch
14:00-14:20Controlling variability in vineyard with variable rate drip irrigation Itamar Nadav
14:20-14:40The effects of treated wastewater irrigation on the spatial distribution of water and solutes in the root zone and their availability to the plantsRony Wallach
14:40-15:00DIDAS - a user-friendly software package for assisting drip irrigation design and scheduling Shmulik Friedman
15:00-15:20Coffee break
Session X: Irrigation and Irrigation Technology (part 2)Chaired by Anat Lowengart-Aycicegi
15:20-15:40Aerating the subsurface by micro-nano-bubble infused irrigation waterShahar Baram
15:40-16:00Management practice can mitigate ill effect of treated wastewater on soil and tree sap flow Diriba Nemera
16:00-16:20Salt Crusting Over Evaporating Soils - Three-Dimensional InsightsUri Nachshon
16:20-16:30Coffee break
Panel discussion: Knowledge transfer and sustainable agricultural intensification
16:30-16:40Introduction: Center for International Agricultural Development Cooperation (CINADCO)Yakov Poleg
16:40-17:00Panel members: Harold Van Es (conveyor), Naftali Lazarovitch, Anat Lowengart-Aycicegi, Yakov Poleg and Avi Shaviv
17:00-17:10Closing remarks